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About Grove Vale Youth Club

We love to have new people and want every young person to feel right at home.

As part of our service to the local community, Grove Vale Youth Club aims to provide a safe environment for all children and young people aged 4-16 to enjoy after school recreational activities and games during term time. Our club is made up of a diverse group of children and young people from the local community. 

Our mission is to continue to help young people make positive life choices, by strengthening and enhancing their moral, social and physical capabilities. We aim to help them  feel comfortable and valued, thereby building their confidence.

The opportunity for the older age group (15+) to assist the leaders by becoming club helpers to the younger age groups has also helped many young people to strengthen their leadership, team working and communication skills. This experience has proven particularly useful for those who have gone on to careers such as teaching, social work etc.

Closely affiliated with Christ Church McDermott Road, the club extends a warm invitation to all children and young people irrespective of their background, and caters for the various age groups on different evenings of the week:

Facilities include: A large sports hall, snooker tables, a football table, table tennis, volleyball, indoor cricket, a variety of games equipment etc.

Activities for younger children include games, crafts and colouring.

Staffed by volunteers who give their time entirely for free and have done so for over 70 years, the club has been honored with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.

We are active in our local community and have in the last few years supported food bank projects as an expression of the love of God in a practical way.


Hello and welcome to our Youth Club! We have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

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Greetings from Grove Vale.

Thank you for your interest in Grove Vale Youth Club. We hope you will find the following information helpful in learning more about us.

Where and When

We meet at Grove Vale Youth Club, entrance near the intersection of Reedham Street and McDermott Road in Peckham.

 For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early. Please be aware that McDermott road has parking restrictions until 6.30pm, but you should be able to find a space on another street nearby.

On arrival, do please come in and reach out to one of the adult volunteers to let us know that you are new. 

Session Times

Monday 6pm – 7.45pm
Girls Years 6–10

Tuesday 6pm - 7.30pm
Girls Reception to Year 5: 

Wednesday 6pm – 7.45pm
Boys Years 6–10

Thursday 6pm – 7.30pm 
Boys Reception to Year 5

Is there a Charge?

The First session is free!

To cover the cost of our maintenance and overheads, we do request for just £1 per session. This can be paid in cash upon arrival each evening (or for a few weeks in advance).

If cost is an issue, please do still come, and speak to the club leader to let them know your interest.

The Session

The children and young people take part in organised games and team activities. In the course of the evening, one of our leaders will then give a brief, applicable, bible based talk to the children.

For pictures around some of our activities, please see Club Activities.

girls and hoops

What about my shy kids?

You are welcome to stay and watch your child for the first session, for as long as it takes for them to feel comfortable.

We are confident that after a few sessions, your child will enjoy coming and you can confidently leave them until pick up time.

With over 70 years experience, we have dealt with a large variety of children and our team of volunteers are fully capable of working with your child and helping them enjoy integrating into the club!

The kids group activities vary depending on their age, but you can always expect a friendly welcome along with team games and possibly arts, crafts or cooking. Please pick your children up as soon as the club session finishes.

Why not come along and visit us. Introduce yourself to one of our team and we will do everything possible to help your child settle  in.

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Prize Giving

Our Youth group has many exciting activities and opportunities for young people to make friends, and enjoy a bit of friendly competition.
The children and young people collect points throughout the school year, with frequency of attendance and participation in competitive games comprising a key part.

Typically at the end of the school year in July, the club holds its annual parents evening / prize giving, giving awards and certificates to the children for various proficiencies (eg in sports or crafts). 

Each age group/category has an award section for the children /young people attending that session, and attendance plays a huge part in earning points!
Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the club beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions?

We will contact you by email or phone to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.  Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to seeing you soon!